Introduction to Parental Child Abduction

Parental Child Abduction

Course Summary

Introduction to Parental Child Abduction

Learning Objectives: 

  • Introduction to International Parental Child Abduction
  • Social Work Consideration in International Child Abduction
  • Reasons for International Child Abductions
  • Remedies
  • Key concepts in the 1980 Hague Convention
  • Inherent Jurisdiction in Practice
  • Warning signs in Child Abduction cases
  • Impact of Abduction on children
  • Preventing Child Abduction

About the speakers: 

Michael Gration, Barrister, 4pb

Michael Gration specialises in cases involving the international movement of children, appearing regularly in the High Court and the Court of Appeal in cases involving (but not limited to) Hague and non-Hague abduction, jurisdictional disputes, the recognition and enforcement of orders (pursuant to Brussels II revised and the 1996 Hague Convention), relocation (both internal and external) and forced marriage. Over the past four years Michael has appeared in most of the leading cases in the field of international family law.

Vicky Mayes, Development and External Communications Liaison Officer, reunite

Vicky joined reunite in 2013 after graduating from De Montfort University with a first class degree in Law, Human Rights and Social Justice. She started working on the reunite advice line and moved into her current role as Development and External Communications Liaison Officer in 2015. A key part of Vicky’s work is sharing information, whether that is with parents on the advice line or raising the profile of issues around international children’s cases with the wider world.

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